15 Things Guys Should Never Apologize For
15 Things Men Shouldn't Apologize For
Having the courage to apologize when you're wrong is a virtue, doing it when you aren't is self-sabotage.
But not everything needs to be apologized for. In fact, over-apologizing can have serious consequences. Constantly apologizing can make you look weak and submissive. It also devalues the important apology you really want to say.
#1 Never Apologize for Your Opinion

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and you are no exception. Don't let anyone tell you what to think. Stick to your own ideas! If you don't say you're sorry (right or wrong) when someone expects you to, be prepared to be criticized.
Remain polite, respectful and firm, even if you have nothing to apologize for.
#2 Never Apologize for Saying "no"

From a young age, we are taught to be kind. It's not a bad thing to say no. However, as adults, we must learn another lesson. No one can agree on everything.
The next time someone at work asks for more than your limit, try saying no. Don't let someone else's emergency become your emergency (unless the puppy is trapped and the office is on fire).
#3 Never Apologize for Your Religion

Religion is very personal. Your beliefs are your own. You don't owe anyone an apology, no matter what anyone else thinks. There is no need to explain to them. Why let others pry into areas of your life that are none of their business?
#4 Never Apologize for Your Philosophy of Life

Every person has a code of honor that they live by. A core set of beliefs and values that they take to heart. Some do it consciously, some unconsciously, but everyone does it. If someone expects you to compromise on your core beliefs, then you are not obligated to do so. They may try to make you feel guilty, but there is nothing to apologize for.
#5 Never Apologize for Where You're from

You can't control where you were born any more than you can change the color of your skin. It's not fair to criticize things you can't control. You can't change your background, you can't change your upbringing, and you can't change your personality ...... so don't ever apologize for them.
#6 Never Apologize for Spending Money

Everyone likes a bargain. But not everything is worth skimping on! If you can afford to take the express train to save time, then do it. Fresh, nutritious food may be more expensive than processed fast food, but it's not worth the cost to your health. Don't let perpetual bargain hunters make you feel guilty for improving your life.
#7 Never Apologize for Telling the Truth

If your wife asks if she looks good in what she's wearing today, the answer is always yes! In moments of moral ambiguity, you should always offer the naked truth. Now, the truth can sometimes hurt, so don't expect everyone to be immediately grateful. I promise you'll feel better for it, and in the long run, people will respect you more for your honesty.
#8 Never Apologize for Taking Care of Yourself

We are taught on airplanes to put on our own oxygen masks before we help others put on theirs. Why? Because if you pass out, then neither of you will survive. If you don't have the strength, you can't help others. You can best help others by taking care of yourself.
#9 Never Apologize for Someone You Love

Maybe you love a woman that your family disapproves of. Maybe you're in love with another man. That's okay. The heart wants what the heart wants. Don't live for trying to live for someone else.
#10 Never Apologize for Failure

Failure doesn't mean you suck. No one in their right mind would blame you if you took a calculated risk and it didn't work out. Sometimes, part of trying to improve yourself inevitably leads to failure. Don't apologize to jealous people because they feel they can't take risks.
#11 Never Apologize for Not Knowing

People may try to pressure you into always reacting subtly to everything. Who doesn't like to look like a know-it-all genius?
It's a slippery slope, though. Giving half the answers or even lying can get you in trouble.
#12 Never Apologize for Being Emotional

We all know the guy who swears he can't remember the last time he cried.
#13 Never Apologize for Removing Toxic People from Your Life

If someone close to you is dragging you down with constant negativity or abusing your generosity, you shouldn't feel bad about removing them from your life.
#14 Never Apologize for Success

It's not easy to be successful in life, either financially or personally. If you've worked hard to get to where you are today, then there's nothing to apologize for.
#15 Never Apologize for the Actions of Others

You can only control your own behavior, so don't apologize for what other people do. This is a particularly hard lesson to learn, but fully understanding it will set you free. Of course, if it's your child throwing a tantrum at a restaurant, then unfortunately, it's your responsibility!
It's okay to take a moment to celebrate a victory. Appreciate what you have. Don't let anyone make you feel guilty for anything you've earned!
It is okay to not know everything and asking about it should not make you feel like you’re doing anything wrong. Unless of course, what you’re asking is a woman’s age, in which case good luck to you!